

Harvest Energy Aviation has a reputation as a leading supplier of fuels and lubricants for the commercial and general aviation industry.
Harvest Energy Aviation has a reputation as a leading supplier of fuels and lubricants for the commercial and general aviation industry.

Creating Value

We have dedicated storage for Jet A1 and Avgas and also provide into-plane services. Our products are sold at commercial and general aviation airports, and we provide bulk fuel deliveries nationwide. Our many customers include airports, private airfields, private flying clubs, helicopter operators, and private and corporate jet owners.

We have earned the loyalty of our customers by creating value through the safe and reliable supply of quality aviation fuels. With dedicated storage facilities and a highly competitive and efficient delivery service, Harvest Energy Aviation has gained a reputation for flexibility and efficiency, and we put our customers at the heart of everything we do.

Safety is at the core of our business and every stage of our refuelling process follows our stringent Safety, Health, Environment, Quality (SHEQ) procedures. Our oil facilities have been awarded standardisation certification (ISO 9001) and certified with ISO 14000 quality standards.

We offer innovative and flexible solutions to our customers, to meet their requirements. We are proud of our integrity of service, highest regulatory standards and portfolio of world-class quality products.

Our Aviation Products

Jet A-1 (jet fuel): We sell jet fuel through pipeline, road and rail deliveries to airlines, airports, private helicopter and aircraft operators, air ambulances, and major oil conglomerates and marketers in the United Kingdom. Our oil facilities are certified with both the ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 quality standards.

Lubricants: We are a distributor of aviation lubricants.

We are a fast-growing provider for an increasing
number of airports, airlines and customers.
We are a fast-growing provider for an increasing
number of airports, airlines and customers.